Calhoun County Catholic Parishes 

Active Parishes: St. Mary (Lake City), St. Thomas (Manson), St. Francis (Rockwell City)

Oratory Parishes: St. Mary (Auburn), St. Mary (Pomeroy), St. Joseph (Lohrville)

In an ever changing world the Holy Eucharist is a constant reminder of the great reality of God's changeless love.

Mother Teresa


The Religious Education program for St. Thomas & St. Francis Catholic Churches meets on Wednesday evenings from September through April. The first Wednesday of each month, mass is at 6 pm Each week class is held from 6:30-7:30pm for all grades. Kindergarten through pre-confirmation have snacks during class (parents sign up and rotate who brings it, each student will do so once during the year); Confirmation and High School students will have dinner at 6 prior to class (it will be during class on the weeks we have Mass at 6). Religious Education classes meet in Manson and are taught by dedicated parishioners, the program is coordinated by Director of Religious Education, Sandra Hildreth.

First Communion students are second graders who make their First Communion the Sunday after Easter. Students learn about their First Confession and First Communion and complete both sacraments during the course of the year.

During school years that begin as an odd year, 7th and 8th grade will meet together as the first year of confirmation, in school years that begin with an even number 8th and 9th grade will have class together and be confirmed the following spring.

High School students, Catholic Youth Outreach (CYO), meet about 3 times per month, twice a month we will Explore Our Faith in the body of the church. These gatherings will be opportunities to learn more about their faith, to share insights, to ask questions, to discuss issues, and to strengthen our relationships with one another. They will also have one session each month in which they experience Living Our Faith by helping others.

Students are the foundation of what our church will be in the future. To help them learn to lead we incorporate them into Mass throughout the year. Students will have a chance to fill different roles during the Mass at various points throughout the year.

* Each fall the afternoon classes ( Kindergarten through pre-confirmation) get to participate in a skating party at the Gowrie Skating Rink. Lake City students also join us that day.