Calhoun County Catholic Parishes 

Active Parishes: St. Mary (Lake City), St. Thomas (Manson), St. Francis (Rockwell City)

Oratory Parishes: St. Mary (Auburn), St. Mary (Pomeroy), St. Joseph (Lohrville)

In an ever changing world the Holy Eucharist is a constant reminder of the great reality of God's changeless love.

Mother Teresa


The Religious Education program for St. Mary & St. Francis Catholic Churches meets on Wednesday evenings from September through April. Kindergarten through 5th grade meet after school from 4:00-5:00 pm. Grades 6th-12th meet from 7:00-8:00 pm, with an evening meal served prior to evening classes by volunteers at 6:15 pm. Religious Education classes meet in the new parish center and are taught by dedicated parishioners, the program is coordinated by Director of Religious Education, Sandra Hildreth.

First Communion students are second graders who make their First Communion the Sunday after Easter. Students learn about their First Confession and First Communion and complete both sacraments during the course of the year.

Confirmation students receive their preparation through evening Religious Education classes. Confirmation is usually held in April of odd years. In addition to the classroom preparation for Confirmation, students must also complete community/church service as they prepare to join the church as adult members.

High school students study a variety of topics during their evening classes, as well as assist in church events--especially during the Lenten season. Senior students of St. Mary and St Francis are recognized during Mass the Sunday on which they graduate. Every third year, high school students have the opportunity to participate in a mission trip. In past summers, students and advisors spent a week in Kansas City as well as Minneapolis putting their faith into action, learning about how they can impact the community around them while serving. The group has worked with Catholic Charities and Catholic Heart Work Camp, their duties have included sorting food and/or clothes for a distribution center, working for local housing to restore a home for a young family, yard work and house repairs. The opportunity to give up their time and talent has been a life changing experience for many as they learn how to grapple with Catholic Social Teaching and managing their own time.

Students are the foundation of what our church will be in the future. To help them learn to lead we incorporate them into Mass throughout the year. Students will have a chance to fill different roles during the Mass at various points throughout the year.

* Each fall the afternoon classes ( Kindergarten through pre-confirmation) get to participate in a skating party at the Gowrie Skating Rink. Manson students also join us that day.

Read more about the mission trip from the Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas City.